The different places on WiTMS


How Does One Put This Into Words?

I don't know how to describe this feeling.

Numb? It feels like it.

Numb mixed with an overwhelming feeling of sadness. I know it well, as do most reading this. It's the feeling you get when "Black Hole Sun" starts playing... like the void may come to steal you away at any second. Like you're sinking further and further into ice-filled water with no way of escaping.

I wouldn't call it depression.

Maybe it is, but I'm not calling it that.

It's a trigger, that's all. Just a simple little trigger, so easily avoided... and yet, it's everywhere. In everything. No means of escape, it's there in your thoughts, too.

Ah, but it doesn't matter. The feeling will pass soon enough. I know this, as it always does. I'll be laughing and having good time in just a few hours, this awful emotion forgotten.
-Narwhal Sandkurt


  1. yay for waiting for our problems to go away

  2. maggie my grandparents left the tv on glee when they left and i watched it *sobs*

  3. something something introduction of a character named sunshine something something female football coach something something even more budget cuts, which mad magazine has taught me are constant in that fictional school.


Oh. Hi.
-Narwhal Sandkurt