The different places on WiTMS


The Power of a Few Songs and Some Bad Memories

There are a lot of songs that, when I listen to them, I feel as though I've punched in the gut. It's common to find them, whether they be songs from early childhood or songs that you associated with people who are no longer in your life.

Through all the grievances and painful nostalgic flashbacks, I've come to a few that feel the absolute worst of all:
"Problems and Bigger Ones" - Harvey Danger
"Kill All Your Friends" - My Chemical Romance
"Island in the Sun" - Weezer
"Asleep" -The Smiths
"Private Helicopter" - Harvey Danger

And with myself being the enormous dope I am, I've decided the only time it's alright to listen to these songs is two in the morning when you miss your best friend and some boy you used to love more than anything and the world and you know that it's all your fault they left and you've got no reason to be sad and yet, here you are, listening to those songs that feel worse than the wounds they bear onto you.


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Oh. Hi.
-Narwhal Sandkurt