The different places on WiTMS


Fuck Gender Roles

I don't actually consider myself to be any gender. Honestly, I think gender is stupid. Why have a gender? What's the point of all this segregation between pink and blue when, in reality, we're all just people with different parts that are only there for waste excretion and sexual reproduction (the last bit not even being mandatory)?

So, I'll properly introduce myself this way: my name is Mark, I use he/him/his pronouns, I like to wear skin-tight jeans and occasionally make-up, maybe a dress every now and then. I destroy gender roles and look pretty damn good while doing so. Especially in the tight jeans, they make my butt look good tbh.

Anyone who tells me I can't dress like I do or wear make-up because it "doesn't correspond with my gender" (or rather, name and pronouns) will be shown the door out of my life, I don't need their negative ass around.

I encourage the rest of you to do the same, should anyone attempt to stop you from being, y'know, you. The same old song and dance.

But seriously, don't be gross, it's their life, not yours.


Let's Face It: I'm a 2005 Emo

I'm nothing short of an emo loser at this point.

Today is the first day in months I've worn colours other than black and various shades of grey. Still, it is only a blue minecraft/avengers shirt.

My music has been a steady stream of Weezer, Harvey Danger, and My Chemical Romance with some Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, and Foo Fighters mixed in.

All I've read so far this month have been Homestuck upd8s and The Perks of Being a Wallflower (like I haven't read that book enough already).

I've played only Elder Scrolls games lately (mostly Skyrim, a little bit of Oblivion. Luke suggested I play Marrowind), I've played Minecraft on my laptop but it's hell on Earth since I don't have a mouse. Or rather, a decent mouse. I have my brother's old wireless mouse. You can see the problem with that, yes?

Let's face it. I'm a fucking loser whose stuck in 2005.

Bring on the eyeliner.


I'm Just a Loser Who Likes Bands a Little Too Much

I've only listened to Weezer, Harvey Danger, and My Chemical Romance these past few months. Well, almost only.

I'm not exactly complaining, however. The only question I have at this point: should I add My Chemical Romance to my list of favourite bands? Or should I not, if only to hide the fact that I'm emo trash? Decisions, decisions.

Although no one's asking - the hypothetical questions have all been, in my mind, voiced by Adam Buckley as someone asking an advice columnist - I'll list my favourite bands (this is practically a diary at this point anyways. Should I start posts with 'dear webpage' from now on?)

Harvey Danger

That's in chronological order (by when they were added to the list) as well as alphabetical. The world is a magical place.


Just More Proof that I'm a Loser

Whenever I've turned out my light and crawled under the covers to do the nightly ritual called 'sleeping', I like to turn on my current favourite album and play it on repeat a few times through.

'Doesn't that take a while? How can you listen to one album on repeat over and over again?'

One, yes it does take quite a while. During that time, I'm slowly drifting to sleep. Just before I drift entirely, I hit pause. Two, it's easy. If it's really your favourite album, you'll want to listen to it constantly.

Currently, the album of choice is Weezer's Make Believe (AKA the one with Beverly Hills on it).

That's all I've got tonight.


Albums and Yet More Enlightenment as to What this Internet Loser is Really Like

Everyone has those albums they can listen to straight through without skipping any songs, myself included. Since I'm a self-absorbed ass who assumes all who come here want to hear the boring details of my mundane life, I'll list them:
Weezer (Blue Album) - Weezer
Pinkerton - Weezer
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - My Chemical Romance
Analog Heart - David Cook
Lovers Come Back - Happy Chichester
Pretty. Odd. - Panic! at the Disco
Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone? - Harvey Danger
The Emptiness - Alesana
On Frail Wings of Wax and Vanity - Alesana
Where Myth Fades to Legend - Alesana
Mean Sun - Brasstronaut
We Met at Sea - The Pigeon Detectives
Make Believe - Weezer

You've been enlightened on my music taste. Do with this information as you please.

Also note that around 80-90% of the clothes I wear are black and used to wear smudged eyeliner on a regular basis and stopped only because I could never rise early enough before school to get it done.

'But it takes, like, two minutes' Yes, I know - I'm a piece of shit who can't force themselves to do anything. This isn't new information.


I'm Interested in Norwegian Colleges

I'm going to learn a fourth language.


'Why Norwegian?' the reader asks. 'And what are the other languages you know?'

Well, first off, I know English and have been studying German and French for several months now.

Second, I found a college. Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

'Why would you go to a Norwegian college?'

Free tuition, to start. There's a fee to pay every semester for living on campus and such, and of course the price of books and a plane ticket to Norway, but if you consider the money saved from having no tuition to pay, it works out alright in the end.

One of the requirements, of course, is to learn Norwegian. But that's alright, I'm adept at learning other languages.

'Wait, I thought you wanted to be a neuroscientist!'

Sure. There's the Norwegian University of Science and Technology for that (although really that would be a doctorate in medicine, which I'm also okay with).

Guess what? It also has free tuition, but only requires students to know English at an academic level.

I'm probably going to Norway after high school.


The Power of a Few Songs and Some Bad Memories

There are a lot of songs that, when I listen to them, I feel as though I've punched in the gut. It's common to find them, whether they be songs from early childhood or songs that you associated with people who are no longer in your life.

Through all the grievances and painful nostalgic flashbacks, I've come to a few that feel the absolute worst of all:
"Problems and Bigger Ones" - Harvey Danger
"Kill All Your Friends" - My Chemical Romance
"Island in the Sun" - Weezer
"Asleep" -The Smiths
"Private Helicopter" - Harvey Danger

And with myself being the enormous dope I am, I've decided the only time it's alright to listen to these songs is two in the morning when you miss your best friend and some boy you used to love more than anything and the world and you know that it's all your fault they left and you've got no reason to be sad and yet, here you are, listening to those songs that feel worse than the wounds they bear onto you.
