The different places on WiTMS


Tech Week and Other Current Events.

I sit in study hall as I write this, wishing the time to go faster while simultaneously wishing it to crawl slower as I await the start of the final tech rehearsal for our fall show, The Tempest.  We've somehow managed to cram tech week, otherwise known as "hell week", into three days. As if that weren't maddening enough, opening night is tomorrow, and actors are still forgetting their lines.

Now that some of you may understand my anxiety concerning this, I will also mention that I do have optimism regarding the performances. Yes, despite the actors still dropping and re-arranging their lines, despite the freshman playing one of the most important roles, and despite one of our darling actors saying the name of the Scottish play and then not doing the thing to un-curse us (we injured our lead, the actor playing Caliban has hurt himself - and me - several times during rehearsal), I do feel as though things will go fairly smooth tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday.

And Saturday after the show, I'll be headed to a friend's house to make cosplay things.

Upon the discovery that the girl I was going to cosplay GamTav with is an even bigger piece of shit than any of us imagined,  I'm now taking it upon myself to avoid her as best I can. Confronting her would lead her to set her fellows on me, and call me whatever you like, that's simply not a thing I'd want.

In other words, she's evil and down-right psychopathic. It's time to get the hell out of dodge and steer my ass clear of her.

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Oh. Hi.
-Narwhal Sandkurt