The different places on WiTMS



I'm not sure what to blog about anymore.

I'm no where near as sad as I was a year ago.

I don't feel the same as I did a year ago about anyone or anything, myself included.

A year ago, making mistakes meant stressing over them with every fiber in my body, aggressively trying to right the wrong and becoming obsessed with the one I hurt in the process.

Now, I recognize that while the things I've done can't be made up for, the important thing is to learn from it and move on with my life. The person on the other end doesn't matter in this process, whether they decide to forgive and forget or begrudgingly remember, that's all up to them. There isn't a point to obsessing over how to win them over once more.

There also isn't a point to purposefully giving them more of a reason to hate you.

A year ago, it had first hit me that I wasn't a girl.

A year ago, I was being hit on by some guy I'd known for five years and, until that point, had hardly ever spoken to me.

Now, there's some senior girl flirting with me who wants to cosplay GamTav for Halloween, and I'm okay with this. I may only have a limited window of time that it's legal, but still, I'm okay with it.

A year ago, I had just begun to listen to Weezer.

Now -  and I mean right now - I'm listening to Weezer. Let's be real, when do I not? Anyone who follows me on Instagram is bombarded with a plethora of Rivers Cuomo pictures on a daily basis.
(While we're on the subject, I share a birthday with Cuomo. I flipped my shit when I found out.)

A lot of things change in a year. I haven't even scraped the surface in all the ways I've grown over the last twelve months.

So, potentially, there's a lot I could blog about. But how much of it will I actually tell to random strangers over the internet?

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Oh. Hi.
-Narwhal Sandkurt