The different places on WiTMS


Absence, a Drop of an Alias, and Drama Club

The events that have transpired these last few weeks of absence have been as follows:
-Become drama club ASM
-Lose social life almost entirely

Can't say I'm mourning the loss, however, as everything fell to shit shortly before. The loss of my morail was something I knew was inevitable, and yet, in the end, it still stung.

Could have been worse, however. Things could always be worse.

Anyone with working eyes can probably see that I've stopped using my alias.


Because I'm not a twelve-year-old scene kid/weeb trash anymore.

Thank God.

Now, on to yet another topic: Drama club.

I've wanted to join drama club in high school since I was very young - say, six or seven. So, of course, I joined once I finally got there.

It was the day before auditions for the fall show  - William Shakespeare's The Tempest, which is actually a comedy (and pretty damn funny at that) - and I'm out for a walk, per usual. I've come up to my usual spot, the elementary school closest to my house, and an old acquaintance of mine, Steven, is there.

Steven, being the stage manager, has to find an assistant by tomorrow, and up comes a familiar face. A face he trusts to a certain extent, at least.

And so, he asks me to be the assistant stage manager. Since everything in my social life had fallen to shit and I was fairly desperate to find a backup, I said yes.

And now we're here.

Well, essentially.
-Mark L.

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Oh. Hi.
-Narwhal Sandkurt