The different places on WiTMS


Not as Much Emotion

I don't know where the emotion from yesterday came from, but it stayed.

I'm just sad and tired and I don't want to do anything anymore.

There's no reason for me to be sad, I just am, and I'm getting really fucking tired of it.

Like, fuck you, why do I have to be sad? I'm not even that sad, but I am, but I don't feel like it, but I do... whatever.

Also, this happened:
[3:48:00 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: stop talking to me
[3:48:17 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: what you and luke said yesterday went too far, and i'm not about to get over it
[3:48:24 PM] Sweet Bro: I am luke
[3:48:37 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: i mean you and nick
[3:48:39 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: shit
[3:49:13 PM] Sweet Bro: What did we say? We were probably being sarcastic.
[3:49:39 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: i don't care if you were being sarcastic, it fucking hurt and i'm done with you assholes
[3:50:12 PM] Sweet Bro: Okay, sorry for hurting your feelings.
[3:51:52 PM] Sweet Bro: That being said, if you still want to run to your tumblr club of denial and man hating go on ahead. We don't care.
[3:52:06 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: i don't hate men
[3:52:22 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: i hate assholes, which just so happens to be two men: you and nick
[3:53:20 PM] Sweet Bro: So because we tell you things you don't want to hear, we're assholes. Are you 5 years old?
[3:53:43 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: please stop talking to me
[3:53:58 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: i never want to hear anything from you again
[3:54:05 PM] Sweet Bro: Things that, might I add if you took into consideration you might actually amount to something?
[3:54:27 PM] Sweet Bro: Yeah we're fucked up, but we care in this sort of backwards yelly way.
[3:54:29 PM] Sweet Bro: Like Karkat.
[3:54:39 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: i don't want to talk to either of you
[3:55:03 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: same as how i don't want to talk to my old "friends" from the third grade who told something along the same lines
[3:56:02 PM] Sweet Bro: We're giving you good advice that looks like just a bunch of yelly bullshit that wasn't meant 100% serious. But you have to read further into it to get something from it and not analyze this at just the surface.
[3:56:09 PM] Sweet Bro: I thought you were a literature snob.
[3:57:18 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual:
[4:01:06 PM] Sweet Bro: Okay who the hell did we ever have to introduce you to. Nobody is the answer there. Legally speaking, Your name is still Maggie and will remain that way until you legally change your name. Legally, we do have a right to call you Maggie. We try to call you Mark, but the transition is hard. Bear with us.
[4:02:17 PM] Sweet Bro: As for everything else, let haters hate. but you gotta look through the flames.
[9:04:39 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: thomas didn't introduce me as a boy because it looked like i have boobs
[9:04:57 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: now please, don't talk to me
[9:07:07 PM] Sweet Bro: Was thomas aware of the fact you wished to be a male.
[9:08:16 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: yes, and he said he didn't introduce me as one because the person he was introducing me to would have seen my boobs and said "dude, that's a lady"
[9:09:19 PM] Sweet Bro: Well then he was trying to protect your integrity. How was this relevant.
[9:09:32 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: stop talking to me
[9:09:36 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: just stop
[9:10:05 PM] Sweet Bro: Run away from your helpers.Run until you can't see us anymore.
[9:10:37 PM] Sweet Bro: Run until you can safely be away with your own denial, blissfully unaware of reality.
[9:10:50 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: I just want you to stop talking to me
[9:10:58 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: You make me feel like a piece of shit
[9:11:21 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: You  say I'll never amount to anyhting, tell me I'm going to die alone
[9:11:24 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Fuck you
[9:11:27 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Leave me alone
[9:11:33 PM] Sweet Bro: Have you ever stopped to wonder if that was true?
[9:12:03 PM] Sweet Bro: Have you ever stopped to wonder if there was any merit to that, as bad as it sounds, it was us extending our hand to you so your future wasn't that.
[9:13:24 PM] Sweet Bro: Instead you run from us because it's ripping you away from your denial.
[9:14:04 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: It makes me feel like a piece of shit and that my friends don't like me, don't want me around, and don't care about me
[9:14:16 PM] Sweet Bro: Then you're looking at it wrong.
[9:14:32 PM] Sweet Bro: If I didn't care about you the first time you said leave me alone I would.
[9:14:42 PM] Sweet Bro: I wouldn't throw out this latch ditch effort to help you.
[9:15:50 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Then stop.
[9:15:56 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Stop treating me this way.
[9:16:03 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Don't treat ANYONE this way
[9:16:45 PM] Sweet Bro: Alright.
[9:17:25 PM] Sweet Bro: Everything's fine, nothing about my life is bad~ HApppy!!!!
[9:17:53 PM] Sweet Bro: Fuck that.
[9:18:03 PM] Sweet Bro: See what's wrong with that right there?
[9:18:14 PM] Sweet Bro: Life isn't good there's starving and sick and dying and crime.
[9:18:19 PM] Sweet Bro: That's delusion
[9:18:33 PM] Sweet Bro: That's trying to block out anything bad, a shield of denial.
[9:19:02 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: I'm not trying to deny anything.
[9:19:10 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: I just don't want to be treated like shit
[9:19:21 PM] Sweet Bro: You're not.
[9:19:31 PM] Sweet Bro: Nor have you been. You've PERCIEVED you have.
[9:19:47 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Don't talk to me
[9:19:48 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Don'
[9:19:51 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Just don't
[9:20:08 PM] Sweet Bro: Kinda like how you PERCIEVED rape jokes were misogyny.
[9:20:40 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Stop.
[9:20:42 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Talking.
[9:20:45 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: To.
[9:20:47 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: Me.
[9:21:57 PM] Sweet Bro: You know what, fine. I won't talk to you. Good luck, I look forward to seeing your name in the paper, whether it be for a great achievement or an Obituary.
[9:24:01 PM] Sweet Bro: Perhaps even in the police reports.
[9:24:20 PM] Magical Frickface Homosexual: STOP TALKING TO ME

I have two friends now, and I doubt I'll have them for long.

-Narwhal Sandkurt

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Oh. Hi.
-Narwhal Sandkurt