The different places on WiTMS


Someone Take Photoshop Away from Me before I Do any Major Damage

I suppose I should put some meaningful content in this post, with it being the 90th one and all, but I really can't bring myself to care enough. I know I'll look back on this blog in a few months to a few years' time and marvel at how much of a pretentious twat I was.

Well, let's enjoy this while it lasts.

By doing another one of those god-awful introductions!

Third time's the charm, right?

I run a fandom blog (assbuttinmordor) and a hipster blog (diveintomylake) on tumblr... also, a few other blogs on this site, which aren't updated as frequently.

I listen to just about anything, from show tunes to death metal. I don't, however, listen to rap, hip hop, or any sort of country, save for a few bands that only slightly dip into the genre.

My sexuality has come to an impasse: pansexuality makes sense for me, since I take time to get to know people before I figure out I like them, but it's really best described as homoflexible. Ah well, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Blogging has become a bigger part of my life than originally intended. I'm a faster and more accurate typer because of it, but hey, everyone makes mistakes sometimes - especially when you often times type too fast and fuck up the easy words.

That's enough of an introduction, over eleven months in.

So, I've discovered photoshop. Allow me to share with you some of my beautiful creations:
The last one is my personal favorite.

I think it may go on my Christmas cards this year.
-Narwhal Sandkurt


Ships, Expectations, and Puns, Apparently.

Apparently, my friends can't look at me the same way since I told them I ship Erii2ol. Too bad. In case they hadn't noticed, everything I ship - save for Finchel and DaveJade - is gay. All of them. Klaine, Erii2ol, Destiel, Sterek, Johnlock... did they really expect anything more from me?

I'm not sure anymore.

Do people expect things from me?

Would you, as a reader of this blog post, expect anything more than a quick insight into my life, possibly followed by a pun (I'm planning on doing something with all these damn puns... I'm so sorry)?

I could have tagged this onto the end of the last post, but I didn't because this is a draft I've been meaning to finish.

I've finished it.

Good for me.
-Narwhal Sandkurt
P.S. How do you make someone less funny?

You poke holes in their eyes and drain them of their vitreous humour.

I Tried to Explain Things... with Me, That Doesn't Always Work

I don't know if anyone currently reading this has ever clicked the "my tumblr" link at the top of this blog, but if you have, I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience. The link is fixed.

Anywhore, I've discovered photoshop and, honestly, someone should take it away from me before I do any major damage.

But it is good for somethings, like Christmas cards and edits for various purposes.

As you'll notice, I've made some minor changes to the blog. Or maybe they're major. I don't really know, to be honest... it's just some much needed change. Of course, I can't completely erase this blog's dark past...
as long as the things I put on cafe press still remain, I'll always be reminded of the time when my ego slightly inflated.

That's all I have.
-Narwhal Sandkurt
P.S. If you're wondering, I have no idea what brought about this change in demeanor. Is it depression? Is it embarrassment for my past self? Is it aliens? The world may never know.