The different places on WiTMS


The Fine Arts Box

I found out how to delete blogs. Now there's this one, my Tumblr, and my Klaine blog.

I feel so much better.

Although, if they were human children, I would have just committed murder.

I think this is how murderers feel.

I fear for my mental well being.

Speaking of my mental well being, I have a big stack of my old writing that I've put in my newly-made fine arts box.

You see, I have an interest in the fine arts: music, writing, and, well... art. Therefore, the fine arts box was a necessity. It currently sits just a few feet away in a crevice between the television stand and the wall, a music stand and a red parasol propped against it.

As I said, I've a stack of old writing in that box. Among the writing is, quite possibly, one of the most beautiful things I've ever written.

And, yes, this does mean I'm going to post another stupid poem to add to the collection.

I'll Hold Your Beating Chambers Until They Beat No More

I'll hear the clock ticking 
until it ticks no more.
I will hear you breathe 
until you draw your final breath.
I'll endure all the pain in the world
until it doesn't hurt anymore.
I'll sit here and live my life
until I don't want to live anymore.
I'll hear every word you have to say
until I can't hear anymore.
I'll count every star in the sky
until they shine no more.
I'll take the full-front of all your pain
until there's no more to take.
I'll find you every flower in the world
until there is not one I have not found.
I'll share with you my every emotion
until my emotions are spent.
I'll breathe in only your scent
until the scent has long faded.
I'll protect from all harm
until the day I die,
and I'll hold your beating chambers
until they beat no more.

I was eleven when that was written, and it was written because of this:

 Recognize the fictional gay couple?

It's my OTP. The OTP I've shipped since I was ten.

Fandoms ruin lives, kids.
-Narwhal Sandkurt

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Oh. Hi.
-Narwhal Sandkurt