The different places on WiTMS


Math and Future Plans

Ah, math. The only class where I can write down exactly what the teacher says and still be hopelessly lost.

Okay, that's not exactly true, but often times I skip over writing something and then I see it on a test and have no idea what to do.

The clear solution would be to write down everything we cover in class, and ask the teacher any questions I may have. Simple, right?

Wrong. If I have questions, it's because I left my notebook in my locker and didn't take notes. My math teacher no longer helps students who don't take notes, as she finds the lack of note-taking a sign of not paying attention.

For most people in my math class, that's very true, considering it's 8th grade Pre-Algebra. I blew off the class last year, and now I have to take it again. What goes around comes around.

If any of know me, you'd know I'm horribly out of place in the class, and yet I fit right in. Why? Because I slept in the class last year and learned nothing. Now's my chance to make it up and not be left behind in the dust for Algebra I next year.

Pre-Algebra is Algebra, just at a slightly slower pace. Everyone knows this. There's nothing too special about either. To be honest, I hate algebra... geometry is cool, though. Pythagorean theorem and all that. Yeah, you learn the basics in algebra, A^2+B^2=C^2 and how to use it. At my school, you don't really use in algebra, they just introduce you to it and then take it away for a while.Or maybe they don't. I don't know, I was asleep for most of it.

And yes, I have seen geometry before. I like geometry a hell of a lot more than I like algebra.

Will I use math? Considering I'm planning on majoring in neuroscience, no. The only math I need to pass is the bare minimum to graduate, which I'll take my junior year if all goes well. Algebra II, and then I'm not sure what it goes to next.

Do I have high hopes? Yes, very high hopes. I want to be in all those advanced and AP classes, those would be the only places where I'd be challenged (except math... well, maybe. If it seems easy, you're doing it wrong). How do I get to those classes? I don't know. My grades are shit because I can't bring myself to be motivated enough to do anything.

The solution to that, of course, is to pretend I'm helping Sherlock solve a case. Seems reasonable, right? It's worked in the past.

A lot of people have viewed my inability to do seventh grade level math as a sign of stupidity. To them, I say, "Call me when you correctly label a brain without looking at a diagram and tell the frequencies of the four types of brainwaves."

Don't call someone "stupid" until you've seen where their intelligence falls, I guess I'm trying to say.

This post has gotten out of hand.
-Narwhal Sandkurt
Beta: 15-30Hz
Alpha 9-14Hz
Theta 4-8Hz
Delta 3-1Hz

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Oh. Hi.
-Narwhal Sandkurt