The different places on WiTMS



It's the last day of 2014.

And man, did this year suck.

But hey, there were a lot of great things that happened, too!


~Passed all my exams (even math, and I took it without a calculator)
~Came out as trans and I'm not that sad anymore
~More internet friends! The cool egg squad expanded to include an Estonian veloceraptor and the big emo from Illinois
~Joined Drama club (my people man)
~ASM for my first show! Tempest is probs my favourite Shakespeare play now
~Co-prop leader for my second show! Addams family and there are a lot of props
~Really got into Weezer
~Finally got Portal 2! It's great I love it
~Found the band Harvey Danger
~Saw Panic! at the Disco live! It was great nothing can top that
~My art skills improved a bunch like wow
~Found my favourite photograph in an Elle magazine it's hanging right beside me right now
~This year was shitty but it had some great individual moments
~Also Tasmyn is truly a treasure thats what I've concluded this year


Two Years

Guess what, lovelies? It's been two years of this bullshit.

Two years of you guys reading my angsty shitfest I call a blog.

I salute you.

In commemoration of these two years, I'll give you two pictures of me: one from when I started the blog, and one from last night.

Character development, am I right?



Everything's exciting 'til it happens.

Then it's just boring.

Then you're standing around wondering why you even went when you could be at home in your pajamas watching netflix on the couch.

And then you realize, if you'd passed it up and spent the day at home, you'd just spend the whole time wondering what it would have been like to go.

So, instead of doing anything useful - or anything fun - I stay home and feel vaguely sad while marathoning the same anime and eating obscene amounts of cereal to fill the void.
